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Women have unique needs when it comes to urologic and gynecologic health. We provide the care you need to address pelvic organ dysfunction and restore your daily comfort when it is affected by conditions such as urinary incontinence.

Urogynecological care in Denver

Our providers treat you with respect and compassion as we care for your gynecological health. 

At HCA HealthONE Physicians, we understand that urologic and gynecological conditions can be a sensitive subject. Our skilled specialists prioritize your comfort, use evidence-based treatments and tailor your care plan to your individual situation.

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Conditions treated by our pelvic floor specialists 

Addressing how your pelvic floor and urinary system interact is best done by a specialist like ours who treat many conditions, including:

  • Accidental bowel leakage
  • Overactive bladder syndrome
  • Painful bowel movements
  • Painful intercourse
  • Pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD)
  • Pelvic organ prolapse
  • Pelvic prolapse
  • Recurrent bladder infections
  • Urinary incontinence

Urogynecological services we offer

Our obstetrician-gynecologists (OB/GYNs) have specialized training and experience in urogynecology. This equips them to provide comprehensive care for disorders of the pelvic floor and related conditions.

Pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD) care

Your pelvic floor is a muscle that holds your reproductive organs, bladder and rectum. Pelvic floor dysfunction is an umbrella term for a number of conditions and symptoms that occur when your pelvic floor is weakened.

Risk factors

Risk factors that can affect the pelvic floor and cause dysfunction include:

  • Being overweight or obese
  • Chronic constipation (due to straining)
  • Chronic coughing and/or sneezing (due to asthma, hay fever, etc.)
  • Gynecological or pelvic surgery
  • History of back pain
  • Menopause or postmenopause
  • Pelvic injury
  • Pregnancy and childbirth, especially multiple vaginal births
  • Regular heavy lifting (at work or the gym)
  • Smoking


You might need to see one of our pelvic specialists if you're experiencing any of the following symptoms:

  • Acute or chronic pelvic pain
  • Feeling as though something is falling down or out of your vagina
  • Needing to get into different positions or press on your vagina to successfully have a bowel movement
  • New, uncomfortable bulge or fullness in your vagina
  • Pelvic muscular tightness, weakness or lack of coordination


Depending on your specific case, we offer a wide range of pelvic floor dysfunction procedures and management options that include:

  • Bladder suspension surgery — a treatment for cystocele (prolapsed or fallen bladder)
  • Disposable or reusable pessaries — a device inserted into your vagina to support your pelvic organs and help with leaking
  • Medical management — the use of medications and pelvic floor exercises to manage urge incontinence and overactive bladder syndrome
  • Sacrocolpopexy — a sling procedure used to treat stress incontinence, with the goal of eliminating stress leaking
  • Urodynamic testing — a diagnostic assessment of your bladder and urethra's performance

Pelvic organ prolapse care

Pelvic prolapse — also known as pelvic organ prolapse — happens when one or more organs in your pelvic area fall into your vagina. This condition affects many women and often occurs following childbirth, menopause or a hysterectomy.


Many women seek the care of a pelvic floor specialist because of new or worsening sensations or symptoms of unknown origin. If you're experiencing a pelvic prolapse, you may have one or more of the following symptoms:

  • Acute or chronic pelvic pain
  • Feeling as though something is falling down or out of your vagina
  • Needing to get into different positions or press on your vagina to successfully have a bowel movement
  • New, uncomfortable bulge or fullness in your vagina
  • Pelvic muscular tightness, weakness or lack of coordination
  • Discomfort with urination, defecation or sexual intercourse
  • Low abdominal pain
  • Low back pain
  • Lump or bulge visible from your vaginal opening
  • Urinary, bowel or sexual dysfunction

By seeing a gynecologist who focuses on urogynecology, you can get the answers you're looking for quickly. Our physicians understand these systems and the complex ways they relate to each other.


There are several gynecological services available to treat pelvic prolapse, including:

  • A minimally invasive hysterectomy
  • Colpocleisis (shortening of the vaginal canal)
  • Cystocele (fallen bladder) or rectocele (weakened rectal wall) repair

The most common procedure is a sacrocolpopexy. This procedure uses surgical mesh to suspend your vagina and correct pelvic prolapse. We can perform the surgery with the assistance of robotic technology. The benefits of robot-assisted surgery include less scarring, a faster recovery, a shorter hospital stay and less pain.

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